Under the title of “Malta: Europe’s Most Experienced Gaming Jurisdiction” published in the prestigious publication Gaming Malta 2015 edition by the CountryProfiler, it has been confirmed that during 2014, Malta has maintained its competitive edge in the i-gaming global market with a total of 462 Remote Licenses and some 2,000 Land-Based Gaming Licenses with a 25% growth over the previous year. The success will be further enhanced, it has been announced by the Malta Gaming Authority, through new policy changes in the licensing process with the intention to making it less burdensome.
Malta Gaming Authority Chairman, Joseph Cuschieri has remarked that “I don’t want to see Malta develop only in terms of licences … but the focus should be on quality rather than quantity. My vision is to grow our portofolio, keep opening up new markets and promote Malta as a top gaming jurisdiction.” i
Advocates, Tanti-Dougall & Associates can assist whosoever would wish to establish a corporate structure in Malta to operate in the gaming market.